

The last message took a day to post. The email must have been sent via Pony Express. Last night I stayed at a motorcycle camp run by a guy named Will. It sounds like he’s done a lot of motorcycle touring and decided to build the place he was always looking to stay at. A couple of differences from the usual campground are that there are no cars allowed and there’s only one campfire. Most campgrounds create cubicles for each group to keep to themselves. At this place, it wasn’t even clear where one site ended and the next one started.

Come to think of it, there weren’t any sites, just picnic tables sprinkled between the trees. It made for a very social place like the best hostels I’ve stayed at. Of course, that’s just speculation because when I rolled in at a quarter past dark I was the only guest. I’ll have to go back on a weekend. It’s at mile 177.7 of the Blue Ridge Parkway near Meadows of Dan, VA.

I’m in Roanoke now. I’ll get near the north end of the parkway today. I’m taking it easy, and finally learning how to use my camera. The sunset didn’t turn out to be spectacular, but the cows seemed to enjoy watching us take their pictures. I wish I would had this camera for the last trip, but I have a pattern of upgrading cameras after trips instead of before. I also wish I’d have brought my long underwear on this trip. I’ve wished that on past trips as well—you’d think I’d learn. In case you’re interested, it’s cold and wet in the Smoky Mountains in June, and it’s cold and wet in Hanoi in January.

Part of what I like about traveling is just being in motion. With my own wheels it’s even better. I’m feeling great, and having a good time. I wish you all were here.